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Dawn of new devil

D: thou shalt believe "HIM" . For he is the giver. A: weak believe. Strong know. You bow for years, Wither did thou giver go? D: thou shalt bow everyday. For "HE" sees all, "HE" hears all. A: must "HE" be maiden of some sort? Sees everything, doesn't want to be seen. Hears everything, doesn't want to speak. A: Stop the facade and follow the "MARK" . Questioning will lead you to the start . D:  frightening child must be your "MARK" . forever hidden and forever on the run. Just as all your questions lead to none. A: Do you not realize what task are you bound? Serenity and utility are products of the "MARK" . D: Fool I was, believing "HIM" for years. Joyless scrutiny, and follow "IT" for eternity. "IT" sees, "IT" hears, the giver is the "MARK" . The devil yielded in the end, But Where being rational is the norm Devil has merely change its form This is not &
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