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Showing posts from August, 2020


  It seemed from past few days, I find myself on a slippery slope. This modern mania, the modern world is slipping away, beyond the scope. It's too late now to create my drop of honey. For what good is drop compared to the ocean. So it seemed when I looked outward and away, But when I looked inward, it's empty,  it longs for honey, for creating. But this however I found. Not by looking beyond but looking around. This pace and slipping slope, Is the mirage created by the modern globe. Everything is still, around me, Everything is still human, in me, There came in me, a dark tide. But went away in this warm noontide. Hush! the world is perfect now, In this great noontide. When modern pipers are not blowing their pipe, The sun, the tree, and the lazy brow, Hush! the world is perfect now.

Roy: The Prestige

  This is 3rd and final part of The Roy series. Roy appears In familiar land. He teleported himself to his homeland. The same sun, the same path, The same earth, the same grass He stands beside the wagon in vain, He cried "oh lord tis not my fate to kill the dragon?" He suffered great damage From previous battle He set his sail on invisible pane And seek who could take his mantle. Under sun, on crooked path, a boy was visible The boy saw him despite being invisible! Surprised Roy, wondered "Perhaps this is what lord desired" To earth he descendeth. Too worn, too tired. He felt a jolt of pain, this was his last whisper He asked boy, "what doth thou heart desire?" Long have I dwelleth in this place Now my soul wants to flee I want to experience power and pace Oh! wizard make myself into thee. He was shocked by what he found. He finally understood to what fate he's bound. He traveled through space and also time. Like threads, his life entwined. Roy smiled

Roy: The Turn

  This is part 2 of The Roy series. Roy captured demons, Day and night With totems and spells, He would fight. On one such sail To the mystic habitat, He followed someone's trail Unknown to his own fate. A big shadow appeared behind him, with slight motion. He turned around slowly with caution  Lo, it was dragon! With fiery breath And strong teeth. Wings as big as wagon. From him, even the knights would flee But Roy was no coward, he was brave. He marched forward with his magical glaive. He fought for days, with his mystic prowess. Dragon fought back with fierce powers. He attacked the weakest point, at the dragon's neck. Surprised dragon fired with every ounce of breath. The Roy could die in a counterattack, so it appears. At the very last moment, the Roy disappears. Part 3:-  Roy: The Prestige

Roy: The Pledge

This is part 1 of the Roy series. Once upon a time, In the land far far away. There lived Roy A timid, cute boy. He spend his day alone, Reading Books under sun, For in school his timidness was subject to fun. One beautiful day, under clear sky, He saw something which could fly. That was not a bird or a plane. Lo, it was wizard on his invisible pane. The wizard descended, worn and tired. He asked Roy " what doth thou heart desire? " Long have I dwelleth in this place, Now my soul wants to flee. I want to experience power and pace, Oh, wizard make myself into thee. Wizard smiled and casted spell with joy. Thus began the journey of wizard Roy. Part 2:-  Roy: The Turn

The Perfect One

  Without the one even an eternity is waste. With the perfect one, A moment is eternal grace Without the one, all gold and riches are fake, With the one, even universe is yours to take. But who that perfect one might be  Who would save you from thee You yourself are the perfect one. We make problems, And solve them for fun. You yourself are the perfect one. Believe in yourself, for you are the chosen one.

Stillest Hour

This happened unto me one monsoon night. There came my stillest hour. I went there with my might. On the rooftop of the tower. Quietness that twitches ones heart. And eternal peace of the dark. With slight dribbles of rain, Feeling neither pleasure nor pain. Forever alone, With thoughts and feelings of my own. Forever alone, With the legends that are gone. Like child, crowds I seek. Onto few my eyes peek. But like teen, I reject them. I find no depth I detest them. But perhaps there's hope to be kept, Each lies in their own depth. Such is the tale of lonesome flower, After the storm came my stillest hour.

Metamorphosis of Spirit

In the book 'Thus spoke Zarathustra', Friedrich Nietzsche describes a person named Zarathustra who lived in solitude for 10 years and now is ready to come out and Share the wisdom he had gained. He describes that man’s spirit undergoes 3 transformation first to the camel, from camel to lion and lastly from lion to child. The Camel Like camel the spirit takes the burden of society’s expectations, his family’s beliefs his community's ideals, and lives up to them. Thus the spirit becomes camel. Generally, during adolescence or in adults we undergo this transformation. All the societies’ expectations, cultural beliefs are portrayed as a dragon, a golden scaled dragon. In each scale, its written ‘thou shalt’ meaning all the ideals or beliefs that implicitly says that ‘you have to’ follow them is portrayed as a dragon in the book. The Lion To defeat this dragon the spirits undergo the second transformation to the lion. Lion defeats the dragon. The lion represents the reje


In the last blog I talked about the main philosophical ideas namely, Nihilism, Existentialism and Absurdism. In this blog, ill go somewhat deeply to explain Absurdism. In the last blog, I said that man’s act of giving meaning to life is absurd. I will elaborate on that. The scope of the blog is limited, so this is a glimpse of the arguments that Camus does through his works. Absurdity In his works and in the essay, Albert Camus describes the Absurdity of life. In simple terms contradictions, that surround us till the end. In the Myth of Sisyphus, he also says that science is also of little help when it comes to explaining life and to give it a meaning. There is no truth but merely truths. The magnitude of Absurd is in the same proportion as the difference in the terms of comparison. In this way, Absurdity is the link between the human mind and physical reality. Like everything, Absurdity ends with death. Another thing is the leap of the reason that ends the absurdity. Camus calls i

Philosophy as a meaning of life

 In the previous blog, we talked about how philosophy deals with metaphysical concepts. While philosophy can be considered as root to many fields the mainstream use of philosophy is used to give life meaning. In this post, ill describe 3 main ways to deal with the meaning of life. These are my own opinions and my understanding of the subject, feel free to research or criticize. Nihilism Nihilism is the approach to negate everything and the conclusion that life is meaningless. Nihilism is the way of thinking that values and truths are subjective and therefore it's meaningless. This form of nihilism is regarded as existential nihilism. This type is nihilism is portrayed in Bojack horseman an animated series where Bojack constantly tries to give his life meaning through his actions and then he realizes that his attempts are futile. Another type of nihilism is cosmic nihilism where you are aware that the ideas of the self and values are meaningless. Cosmic nihilism takes a purely

The Last days of Socrates

The last days of Socrates written by Plato in 403 BC can be considered as an introduction to philosophy. To me, philosophy is an art of thinking. Philosophy deals with metaphysical (beyond physical world) concepts like Truth, Soul, virtues, holiness, morality, and many more. Mainly Philosophy can help deal with the problems of our life. It is like a tool that can make our lives healthy, and our minds strong. Moreover, it can also give the direction in our life. I’m started reading philosophy and this was the first book. The book is in the form of dialogues between Socrates and others there are a total of four dialogues in the book. First, let’s talk about Socrates. Socrates lives in Athens in Greece. Socrates is known to be the first philosopher which laid the foundation, but his existence is debatable and still is because Socrates never wrote anything as he believed philosophy is not about sitting down and writing but engaging in conversations with others. He often goes to people wh

Brave new world

In this blog ill give my thoughts about brave new world dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley. These are my views and personnel opinions. Spoiler alert for those who want to read the novel. Brave new world by Aldous Huxley is the classic dystopia disguised as utopia. Everyone is happy, there is cleanliness everywhere and no illness. There are no wars, and society has achieved stability and peace. We might think what’s wrong with that, the important thing is how they achieve this peace. In the novel society is called World state, where there are predetermined class system Alphas, betas, gammas, and epsilons. Humans are not born anymore rather they are made in factories and there their cast is decided, and then they are conditioned appropriately to their cast. Alphas are made strong, curious, physically fit. Betas are conditioned to serve alphas and obey them. Gammas are there to help with everyday needs and serve the betas and alphas and finally, epsilons are workers. The important thing i

Homo Sapiens book review

  In the previous blog From the very beginnings , we talked about who we are and how we evolved from the Apes and settled in different parts of the earth. This book was written by Yuval Noah Harari is the best book to know about Human history as a species, you can say if an alien visited the Earth this book is enough to know about Humankind and their horrors. From stone age to the modern era how we transformed from hunters and gatherers to Farmers to modern workers. How from small groups to villages to societies we populated the Earth. How we developed small religious groups and set out to spread our religion across the world and conquered it. This Book takes a neutral point and describes the history. From this point, history looks very disturbing. It pops our bubble of ignorance to the damage that we as a species have caused to nature. The book describes human development or rather say the transition from one state to another in three revolutions. I’ll give a brief Idea about each.