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Showing posts from 2019

Differentiating AI, ML and DL

  AI (Artificial Intelligence), ML (Machine Learning) and DL (Deep Learning) are the buzzwords right now. Almost everyone is talking about it right now. And every day there’s a new technique or tech-related AI is developed by people. In this blog, I’ll try to explain what the field is about and what the general difference is.  First of all these three are not separate fields, there’s a hierarchy. On the top its AI then one subset of it is ML and one subset of ML is DL. Artificial Intelligence Let’s talk about AI-first. Artificial Intelligence is an idea to develop a fully functional Intelligence with the machine. Machines are capable of doing lots of complex calculations very quickly compared to humans. The theory of AI goes way back to 1950s. The idea is to develop a thinking machine, a brain build by copper wires. Now to develop intelligence, we should define intelligence. There are two main approaches to build AI. The first one is the Symbolic AI.

From the very beginnings...

Hello, welcome back everyone, its been a long time as I was busy with exams. Anyway, in the previous blog, we started a long journey to the edge of the universe. The universe is a very vast place filled with billions of galaxies including our own Milky Way galaxy. It would take more than the entire history of humans to even go through the list of galaxies. So this blog is not enough to cover everything, but I'll try my best to acknowledge you about the wonderful universe we exist in. The Milkey Way Galaxy Before we start to understand what the universe is and how it began let's first look in the mirror and figure out who we really are? We are the advanced species of the Apes, called  Homo sapiens.  It’s the scientific name for humans, Homo is the name of genes we carry and sapiens is our species’ name. humans (modern) evolved some over 800,000 years ago. Back then we were hunters, over the years we used our mind to develop weapons to hunt animals, to survive on the pl

Journey to the edge of the universe….

Hey guys… My name is Shyam I am a student and studying software development. I’m very much passionate about science and especially physics. You can say astronomy is my hobby. I'm starting this blog to spread my curiosity about science.  Most of people hate even listening about science. Whereas some don’t like because they don’t fundamentally understand science. We humans are born explorers, ever seen an infant child trying to figure out where he or she is and who are other people…. We are born curious but something happen terribly wrong during teenage years, we lost all curiosity. People also tend to ignore the science on a daily basis because we either are too busy in our routine or else there is no spark from within to pursue the curiosity. Now you may wonder why it is important why should we care?.... because Knowledge is preferable to ignorance. Better by far to embrace hard truth then reassuring faith. Our understanding of this world helps us to survive, science