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Journey to the edge of the universe….

Hey guys… My name is Shyam I am a student and studying software development. I’m very much passionate about science and especially physics. You can say astronomy is my hobby. I'm starting this blog to spread my curiosity about science. 

Most of people hate even listening about science. Whereas some don’t like because they don’t fundamentally understand science. We humans are born explorers, ever seen an infant child trying to figure out where he or she is and who are other people…. We are born curious but something happen terribly wrong during teenage years, we lost all curiosity. People also tend to ignore the science on a daily basis because we either are too busy in our routine or else there is no spark from within to pursue the curiosity.

Now you may wonder why it is important why should we care?.... because Knowledge is preferable to ignorance. Better by far to embrace hard truth then reassuring faith. Our understanding of this world helps us to survive, science directly or indirectly affects our daily life. We have a very precious gift from nature our brain we are capable to understand our position in the universe. No other ‘known’ species is evolved enough to do that. So why don’t we use this gift for the betterment of our own species? We think all the laws and theories about the science we learn in school are useless but it’s all connected to your life in ways you can’t even imagine.

The problem is we often don’t know the application of the mathematical formulas theorems or physical laws, chemical reactions etcetera, Thus to understand them blindly and mug up for a couple of marks destroys the curiosity. Instead, I propose the main problem that led to those discoveries of the laws should be known first and then understanding of the law itself.

To conclude I would say everyone should be curious to know the origin of humanity, the Life, the Earth, the universe itself. I am not saying everyone should be a scientist but at least we understand basic laws that govern our life on Earth. I will be posting blogs about science starting from the Big Bang up to now on what we know about the universe we exist in and how scientist find all the mysteries of the universe. Comment down your thoughts and suggestions if you want I can make blogs on suggested topics. Come join me on the quest to the edge of the universe. 

I conclude with the wise words of Stephen Hawking 

“Look up to the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious, be brave, and overcome the odds. It can be done”.      


  1. Hey! Bro big but amazing steps you have taken I know you are gonna give your 100%.and you know I am also a big fan of science and astronomy so this is a quite a bit time passing moment for me .Last I will conclude with that we are the future of world and thinking and mind like you give more and more success towards nation.Hats off !

  2. Very well said I am sure your curiosity will take you to exploring greater heights


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